We aim to develop understanding and mutual respect of all nationalities within our community, allowing us to explore the beliefs, values and circumstances of all cultures. We provides better learning, acceptance, and a holistic approach to the fact that wonder and greatness comes from the diversity of difference.
Definition of High Quality Learning
Students can articulate their learning journey, accurately reflect upon their progress within an engaging enrichment programme, and successfully manage, synthesize and interpret new concepts at a high standard.
Guided by our Vision and Mission we are dedicated to:
Educating students in a stimulating environment to the highest possible academic standards.
Fostering global citizens who will shape a more peaceful world by celebrating both their cultural diversity and shared humanity.
Instilling respect, tolerance, integrity and compassion and promoting the confidence and independence to be responsible risk-takers.
Educating students to be adaptable, reflective and questioning throughout their lives.
Being aware of the social, physical and emotional needs of each individual student and working with the home to provide a learning environment that is stable and caring.
Inspiring creativity in each student in its broadest sense and helping to enrich the human spirit both aesthetically and morally.
Educating students to be respectful of, and knowledgeable about, and involved in their local and international communities.
Promoting awareness and responsibility for a sustainable global environment.
We are committed to:
Challenging students to realise their potential.
Appreciating and celebrating cultural diversity.
Providing extra-curricular activities for the school community.
Promoting open and effective communication within the community.
Encouraging active involvement in the school, local and global communities.
Preparing students to be independent thinkers and lifelong learners.
Striving for continuous improvement.