1. Personal toiletries (brush, paste, soaps, body wash, lotion, moisturizer, cream and body scrub etc)
2. 4 pairs of undergarments
3. 4 sets of casual wear (to be worn only on Sundays)
4. 2 sets of night suit
5. 2 pairs of white bed sheet with white pillow cover.
6. 1 blanket with a white cover
7. 1 pair of hand towel, 1 pair of towel, 1 dozen handkerchiefs
8. 1 bucket
9. 1 pair of bathroom slippers, 1 pair of floaters
10. 1 pair of informal shoes (to be worn only on Sundays)
11. 2 mugs, 1 yoga mat, 1 hand luggage bag.
Note: Hostel uniform which includes the hostel dress, sports dress, night suit, and sports shoes will be provided by the school the bill of the same will be deducted from the imp-rest account of the child as per the actual.